- Javascripts Guidelines
- Hide labels
- Equal heights
- back
hide Labels script
You can use this script to hide the form labels to use only placeholder.
The script will only hide the labels if the browser supports placeholders!
<!-- mark label with class hideable-->
<label class="hideable" for="username">Username</label>
// javascript
equal height script
Just a little helper to get some elements to have equal height.
i should be equal in height as my neighbors. but i'm not.
that's because im to small.
and i'm a lot taller. this is because i play mister very important. but just for this sample!!!
// javascript
// options
$('.well').equalHeights(400); // sets minheight to 400
$('.well').equalHeights(100, 400); // sets minheight to 100 and maxheight to 400